Muthu Batter Dr.S. Sangendhi


Sangendhi Dr.S.Muthu                     

Familiarly Known as Dr.S.Muthu Batter Ph.D., D.Litt.

Dr. Muthu passed Nyaya Siromani meritoriously in the year 1989 from Sri Ahobila Muth Sanskrit College, Madurantakam. Subsequently he did M.A. and M.Phil. in Sanskrit Language in Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College and was awarded Doctorate by the University of Madras in 1997 for his research on Ritual Literature in Vaikhanasa Tradition. In the meanwhile, he did B.Ed. in English and Sociology and Master Degree in Library Science from Annamalai University. In addition to these, he won Silver Medal for Sri Vaikhanasa agama, honoured with many titles such as Sri Vaikhanasa Bhagavat Sastra Praveena, Sri Vaikhanasa Kulaalankara, Sri Vaikhanasa Deva Yajana Saamraat, Vaikhanasa Kulapati, Samprokshana Sarva Sadhakam, Sri Vaikhanasa Semmal, Sri Vaikhanasa Sarva Bhauma, Vaikhanasa kula Saamraat, Gnana Sarva Bhauma etc.

Dr.Muthu is versatile in Grantha Script and had done special courses in Grantha Manuscript Reading and Conservation of Library Materials at Thanjavur Saraswathi Mahal Library.

Dr.Muthu has participated in many Seminars, Conferences and presented papers on various subjects like Ramayanam, Some Important aspects of Mahabharatam, Tiruppaavai, Sudarsana Prabhavam, Srisuktam, Lakshmi Narayana Prabhavam, Kalidasa in Sanskrit, Importance of Yoga, SriVaikhanasam, Vishnubali, Selection of stones for Temple idols according to Vaikhanassa Bhagavat Sastra etc.

Dr.Muthu has also been giving many lectures at Thirumala Asthana mandapa through SVDSV Sabha, Sponsored by TTD Devasthanam on subjects connected with Vaikhanasa Agama and has publications more than 40 books to his credit.

Dr.Muthu has visited Singapore on number of occasions and participated in Maha Samprokshanam and special events. He has also participated in the Hindu religious Ceremonies conducted at the Mahalakshmi Temple, Boston, USA between 29th August and 5th September 2005. He has visited Boston University and Harvard University and has given lectures in the Department of Sanskrit, Harvard University on Post Vedic Literature. He has also participated in the 108 Ashtamukha Ganda Bherunda Narasimha Maha Yajnam, Memphis, USA in 2007.  He has given two difference series of 10 lectures on Tiruppavai and another series on Hindu Gods at Sri Krishnan Temple, Singapore, Jan.2006

Dr. Muthu Participated in the conference on Saiva and Vaishnava Agamas held in Singapore and Malaysia during Dec.2009 and presented papers on Construction of Sanctum and Sanctorum in the Vaishnava Temples and also chaired a session. He has conducted Maha Samprokshanam for Ashtalakshmi Temple at Re-union (Island), France, May 2014. 

Dr Muthu took part as a Chief of Sanmprokshanam at Boston USA.

Dr Muthu regularly participated in the Tirumala SVDSV Sabha’s celebrations. His emotional talks about Sri Vaikhanasa philosophy inspired all people especially the youth. We can’t say in words about his talk at Tenali, Mandapettah and Bangalore meetings.

Under Dr.Muthu’s guideship 3 students successfully completed Ph.D. degree and 9 students completed M.Phil. degree. At present many students are pursuing their Ph.D. degree.

The University of Madras awarded the prestigious D.Litt. award to Dr.Muthu in May 2022.

 His achievements (he is 54 years old) are continuing with the grace of Lord Srinivasa and Vikhanasa. JAYA JAYA VIKHANASA HARE HARE VIKHANASA.